What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Leuven 2010
April 9-10, 2010

University Libraries of K. U. of Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

Theme: Re-Inventing Collections : Challenging Our Assumptions

The 12th Fiesole Retreat is devoted to examining changes that are affecting collections and how we approach collection development today. Session will address the Economics of Scholarly Publishing, Digital Publishing in the Humanities, International Projects and Prospectives, and New Metrics and Statistics Regarding Usage. And we'll ask the question: "What's NOT Keeping Us Awake Anymore?" This year's retreat continues many of he major themes that emerged from our 11th Retreat in Glasgow and will present a broad-based look at where we are while making informed suggestion about where we should be going.


Thursday, April 8

  Central Library K.U. Leuven


10:00 - 12:00
Optional tours
Visit to Campus Library Arenberg, created by adding a modern extentsion to a former Celestine priory, by world famous architect Moneo
Or: Walking tour of Leuven and its colleges, leaving from Central Library
13:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 16:30
Kick-off Session: Goodbye Sleepless Nights
Things that don't keep us awake anymore. At the start of a new decade, this session takes a look at where we’ve come by focusing on the general topic of what’s NOT keeping us awake anymore. What challenges of the digital age thus far have either gone away, been solved, resolved themselves in unanticipated ways, morphed into something new, or simply don’t matter anymore? This review will lead to a discussion of which of the new things on the horizon we won’t need to worry about either.
  • Convener

    David R. Warlock
    Digital Strategy and Advisory Services and Co-Chair, Outsell Leadership Programs
  • John Law
    Vice President, Discovery Services at Serials Solutions
    The Long Tail in Research Collections : Moment of Need Meets Discovery Speed
  • John Cox
    Managing Director, John Cox Associates Ltd.
    Displacing Anxieties : Addressing New Worries by Solving Old Concerns
  • Elizabeth Chapman
    Director of Library Services, London School of Economics and Political Science
    The Moment to Capitalize on Sultanas : Progress in a Weird Wired World
  • Arend Kuster
    Business Development Director, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
    A New Beginning in Qatar : The Development of a Collaborative Research and Education Publishing Environment in Doha, Qatar
18:00 - 19:00
Walking Tour of the Mediaeval Begijnhof (Béguinage)
Walking tour begins and ends at the Leuven Faculty Club
19:00 - 22:00
Opening Dinner
Leuven University Faculty Club
  • Debbie Dore
    Chief Commercial Officer, Swets

Friday, April 9

  Central Library K.U. Leuven


08:00 - 08:45
08:45 - 09:00
  • Mel Collier
    Director of Libraries
    Welcome to the Fiesole Retreat in Leuven
09:00 - 09:45
  • Martha Whittaker
    Content Management Director, Gelman Library, George Washington University
  • Arnoud de Kemp
    APE - Academic Publishing in Europe - Conferences and AKA Publishing
    Re-inventing Collections and Re-discovering Libraries: A Global Perspective
09:45 - 12:30
Economics of Scholarly Publishing: Are We Fighting for Survival?
These are troubling times for scholarly publishers. Economic pressures have reduced the amount of funding available to both university presses and university libraries. Electronic publishing has put unprecedented pressure on the industry and the profession. The promise of cost savings from lowered distribution cost for electronic publications has been completely eliminated by rising production costs and the requirement for expensive but expected new features. The role of commercial publishers in the supply chain has been questioned, but no uniform
  • Convener

    Ward Shaw
    Independent Investor
  • Charles Lowry
    Executive Director, Association of Research Libraries
    Muddle Through or Start from Scratch : Can Economic Crisis Create Deep Change in Research Libraries?
  • Michael Mabe
    Chief Executive Officer, International Association of STM Publishers
    Beyond Micawberism : The Economic Evolution of Scholarly Communication
  • Michael Jubb
    Director, Research Information Network (RIN)
    A Researcher Perspective : What They Want and How Pay for It
12:30 - 13:30
Location TBA (Sponsor, LIBIS)
13:15 - 15:00
Metrics and Statistics
This session will carry over a popular theme from the 2009 Fiesole Retreat, held at the University of Strathclyde: how do we we decide if our collection strategies are paying off in increased user productivity. What have we learned about how users interact with the tools we provide to them? How do use new formats such as eBooks? Is the library still adding value to the scholarly research process?
Break at 15:00
  • Convener

    Janice Welburn
    Dean, Raynor Libraries, Marquette University
  • Johan Bollen
    Associate Professor of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
    The MESUR Project : Studying Science from Usage Data – Implications for Scholarly Impact Metrics
  • Carol Tenopir
    Chancellor's Professor, School of Information Sciences and Director of the Center for Information and Communication Studies, University of Tennessee
    Measuring Value and Outcomes of Reading
  • Jim Mouw
    Assistant Director for Technical and Electronic Services, University of Chicago Library
    E-books : One Librarian's Perspective
15:45 - 18:00
Digital Publishing in the Humanities
Science and technology led the way in the early adoption, development and widespread use of digital tools for scholarship, Researchers in the arts and humanities have been underserved in comparison with researchers in other disciplines. Now this is changing as efforts throughout the world are emerging to support the development of appropriate technologies to enhance arts and humanities scholarship. In particular one way forward envisions synergies between libraries and university presses. This session looks at some of those efforts and suggests what may lie ahead.
  • Convener

    Anthony Watkinsons
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies and Centre for Publishing, University College London
  • Claire Warwick
    Reader in Digital Humanities and Director of the Centre for Digital Humanities, Department of Information Studies, University College London
    Luddites or Critics? Designing Useful Digital Resources for Humanities Scholars
  • Patrizia Cotoneschi
    Director of Firenze University Press at Università degli studi di Firenze, a member of the OAPEN Consortium
    University Presses Join Forces to Boost Technology at the Service of Humanities
  • Ortwin de Graef
    Leuven University and the Open Humanities Press
    Yet the Librarians Were Not Without a Cunning Plan
  • Jill Cousins
    Director of The European Library, Programme Director of Europeana and Executive Director of the EDL Foundation
    Europeana : Researchers Reve or Politicians Plaything?
18:00 - 19:00
Mayoral Reception
Town Hall, Leuven
Open dinner

Saturday, April 10

  Central Library K.U. Leuven


09:00 - 12:00
International Perspectives on E-only and Learning Centers
This session will focus on the implications of libraries going e-only whether in part or as a whole and one of the strategies which is emerging in response — namely the evolution of libraries into learning centers where the prime focus is on the student learning environment rather than on physical collections.
  • Convener

    Mel Collier
    Director of Libraries, KUL
    E-only and Learning Centres : A Balancing Act
  • Hans Geleijnse
    president of LIBER
    Renovating the Library : Creating Learning Spaces and Moving to E-only
  • Thomas Guignard
    Head of Collection Development, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
    The New Rolex Learning Center at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) : A New Building for a New Vision in Collection Development
  • Suzanne Jouguelet
    Inspection générale des bibliothèques, Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France
    Inspiring Innovation in French Academic Libraries Through the Learning Centre Concept : The Context of Change in Higher Education in France
12:00 - 12:30
Closing Session
  • Derek Law
    University of Strathclyde
14:00 - 16:00
Optional tours
Visit to Campus Library Arenberg, created by adding a modern extentsion to a former Celestine priory, by world famous architect Moneo
Or: Walking tour of Leuven and its colleges, leaving from Central Library


For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.


Listed in order of programme schedule