What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Fiesole 2004
March 18-20, 2004

The European University Institute (EUI)
Fiesole, Florence

Theme: Crossing Boundaries: Collecting & Collaborating Globally

An informal meeting of leading library and information industry participants

devoted to thinking through and debating the new world order in collection development


Thursday, March 18

 The European University Institute (EUI)


09:00 - 11:30
Florentine Markets Guided Tour (Optional event)
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch at Pensione Bencistà (Optional)
14:00 - 17:00
Preconference Session at Bencistà
Signposts and Omens – Can We Learn from the Past?
The evolution of various topics and issues during the first five years of Fiesole Retreats can be signposts for future development. We investigate four of the more significant areas of development
Session organizer: Peter Boyce, American Astronomical Society and Maria Mitchelle Association
  • Convener

    Peter Boyce
    American Astronomical Society and Maria Mitchelle Association
    Introduction to the Session
  • Alan L. Bacon
    Head of Content Management, Blackwell Publishing
    Making the Right Connections: Linking past, Present and Future
  • Eleanor Cook
    Serials Coordinator and Professor, Appalachian State University
    Consortia at the Crossroads: Interpreting the Signs
  • Paola Gargiulo
    The View from Europe
  • Michael Grossberg
    Editor, American Historical Review and Professor of History and Law, Indiana University
    Taking the Right Path: Electronic Publication and the Creation of New Histories for the New Age
17:00 - 18:30
Cocktails Reception at Bencistà
Dinner at Villa La Fonte
  • Michael A. Keller
    University Librarian, Director of Academic Information Resources, Publisher of HighWire Press, Publisher of Stanford University Press, Stanford University
    Opening Keynote

Friday, March 19

 The European University Institute (EUI)


09:00 - 09:15
  • Yves Mény
    President, The European University Institute
    Veerle Deckmyn
    Library Director, The European University Institute
09:15 - 10:00
Opening Remarks
  • Deanna Marcum
    Associate Librarian for Library Services, Library of Congress
10:00 - 10:15
Coffee Break
10:15 - 12:30
Panel 1: International Scholarship
International scholarship and collaboration has greatly increased with the expansion of networked resources and databases. Professionals of all types can contribute significantly to the growth of mutual understanding among countries, libraries, and scholars.
  • Convener

    Michael Mabe
  • Richard Boulderstone
    British Library
    International Library Collaboration
  • Carol Tenopir
    University of Tennessee
    User Behaviour Across International and Disciplinary Boundaries
  • Maurice Long
    BMJ Group
    Extending International Access to Research: HINARI, AGORA et alia
12:30 - 13:30
Buffet Lunch at Villa La Fonte
13:30 - 14:30
Open Access – A Discussion
  • David Worlock
    Chairman, EPS Ltd.
    A review and discussion of the Open Access movement and what it means for publishing, electronic journals, the researcher, and the wider community
14:30 - 17:30
Panel 2: Shared Preservation & Collection Strategies
15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
  • Convener

    Joyce L. Ogburn
    Associate Director of the Libraries for Resources and Collection Management Services, University of Washington
    Consortial or cooperative programs in the United States and many other countries have fueled the need to preserve print and digital resources and to provide access to those resources
  • Klaus Kempf
    Head of Collection Development at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich and for the Bayern-Konsortium
    Shared Collection Building: The Philosopher's Stone in Hard Times? German Experiences
  • Margot Wiesner
    HEBIS, the Coalition of Academic and Regional Libraries in the Region Hessen (Frankfurt am Main)
    When the License is Terminated
  • Phil Davis
    Life Sciences Bibliographer, Cornell University, TBA
    Can Downloads Predict the Size of a User-Community? Implications for Librarians and Publishers
  • Dr. Alice Keller
    Head of Collection Management, Oxford University Library Services and Bodleian Library
    Sharing Collections on a Local, National or International Level
18:00 - 19:30
Reception at Casalini Libri
Informal Dinner at Bencistà or Dinner "on your own"

Saturday, March 20

 The European University Institute (EUI)


09:00 - 09:30
Opening Remarks
  • Hans Geleijnse
    University Librarian, Director of IT services, Chief Information Officer, Tilburg University
    Development of a European Network of Libraries
09:30 - 12:30
Panel 3: Political Realities & Funding Sources
10:30-10:45: Coffee Break
  • Convener

    Steve O'Connor
    Chief Executive Officer Caval Collaborative Solutions
    Political and economic realities and future choices and preferences for decision-making are key influencers on funding sources and support
  • Andrew C. Herkovic
    Foundation Relations & Strategic Projects, Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford University
    Proposals, Grants and Projects: A Strategic View for Collection Development
  • John Barrie
    Founder & CEO of Turnitin
    Authenticating Published Works: Eliminating Possibilities of Plagiarism
  • Pentii Vattulainen
    CEO of National Repository Library of Finland
    Steve O'Connor
    Collaborative Solutions for Low Use Research Material
  • David Swords
    Vice President International YBP
    Collecting the Vanishing Collectable: Global Headaches and Long Arms
12:30 - 13:00
Closing Session
  • Tony Ferguson
    Librarian, University of Hong Kong
    Development of a European Network of Libraries
13:00 - 14:00
Light Lunch at Villa La Fonte
14:00 - 16:30
Hiking tour on Monte Ceceri (Optional event)
16:00 - 18:00
Nachtmusique Concert (Optional event)

Sunday, March 21

 The European University Institute (EUI)


09:00 - 12:00
Florence Sightseeing tour (Optional event)
21:00 - 23:00
Wiener Streichsextett Concert (Optional event)


For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.


Listed in order of programme schedule