What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg 2011
May 12-13, 2011

The National Library of Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia

Theme: Collections Across Frontiers : Technology and Globalization

A unique opportunity to examine the impact of technology on globalization at a broad level and also by focusing on the Eastern European Perspective. Speakers will include experts on copyright in the international setting and preservation leaders from libraries and cultural heritage organizations who will discuss the challenges, opportunities and ethics of historic and scholarly preservation in a global environment. We will look at publishing trends in Eastern Europe and examine the effects of Open Access on research funding in Russia.


Wednesday, May 11

 The National Library of Russia


10:00 - 12:00
Optional tour
Tour the National Library of the Russia, St. Petersburg and view its extensive collections
12:00 - 13:00
Brasserie Metropol featuring Belgian cuisine
13:00 - 13:30
The National Library of Russia, second floor
13:30 - 16:30
Optional Preconference Session: Copyright On the Global Stage
When information is shared globally questions inevitably arise about rights, permissions, jurisdiction and remedies. These experts will examine the challenges of copyright compliance and suggest innovative solutions.
Break at 15:00 (Sponsor, East View Information Services)
  • Convener

    Carol Hughes
    Associate Director, University of California Irvine
  • Elena V. Bum
    Director, Central Library for Educational Resources
  • Kim Zwollo
    General Manager, RightsDirect Europe
    Collective Licensing : Enabling Global Content Sharing
  • Ben White
    Head of Intellectual Property, British Library
    Access to Knowledge – How Digital is Changing the Norms of Information Sharing
  • Maura Marx
    Executive Director, Open Knowledge Commons
18:00 - 20:00
Opening Reception and Boat Tour of St. Petersburg
Sponsor for Opening Reception, The Charleston Company

Thursday, May 12

 The Grand Hotel Europe


08:00 - 08:45
Tchaikovsky Room, Ground Floor, Grand Hotel Europe
08:45 - 09:00
  • Anton V. Likhomanov
    Director General, The National Library of Russia
09:00 - 10:00
  • Martha Whittaker
    Program Co-Chair, Content Management Director, Gelman Library, George Washington University
  • Youngsuk 'YS' Chi
    Vice Chairman and CEO S&T, Elsevier
10:00 - 12:30
Publishing Trends
An international panel of publishing expertes discuss electronic publishing's growing momentum in Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia. Speakers will comment on regional-to-global developments in the areas of digital rights management, analog-to-digital reformatting, and born-digital publishing.
Break at 10:45 (Sponsor, EBSCO Information Services)
  • Convener

    Zina Somova
    Director of Operations, East View Information Services
  • Alexander Kuznetsov
    Executive Director, NEICON, Russia
    Publishing in Russia : Trends and Challenges or <>
  • Wojciech Janik
    Assistant Librarian, School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, University College of London, UK
    Poland : Moving to E-Publishing
  • Joe Li
    General Manager of International Business, Apabi Technology Ltd. China
    Boom of Electronic Publishing in China
  • Robert Lee
    Director of Online Publishing, East View Information Services, USA
    Is There an Afterlife? Virtual Hosting and Internet Access to Microfilm and CD-ROM's
12:30 - 13:30
Noble Assembly Room, Grand Hotel Europe (Sponsor, ProQuest)
13:30 - 16:00
Cultural Heritage and Preservation
They will discuss implementation challenges and the changes to organizational strucutres brought about by these immense collaborative efforts.
Break at 15:45 (Sponsor, IOP Publishing)
  • Convener

    Kai Ekholm
    Director and Chief Librarian, National Library of Finland
    Access to Our Digital heritage
  • Jill Cousins
    Executive Director, Europeana
    Implementing the Strategy
  • Rachel Frick
    Senior Program Officer, Digital Library Federation
    Collection Development in the Age of Networked Libraries and Digital Scholarship
  • Stephen Brooks
    Senior Publisher, ProQuest
    Publishing Across Frontiers : Early Printed Books and the Blurring of Geographic Boundaries
16:00 - 17:30
Open Access and Research
Since public access to the Web became widespread in the late 1990s, the concept of Open Access to scholarly publications and its effects on research has been topic of continuous interest to researchers, librarians and publishers. This session looks at the contributions of two major national libraries and offers a look at some possible future scenarios. A representative from Springer, one of the first commercial publishers to offer its authors an open access option, rounds out the program.
  • Convener

    Catta Torhell
    Library Director, Linnaeus University
  • Bas Savenije
    Director General at KB, The National Library of the Netherlands
    Open Access : Present Pitfalls and Future Scenarios
  • Jan Hagerlid
    Senior Executive Officer, Programme Co-coordinator of Open Acces.se, National Library of Sweden
    An Open Access Policy for a National Library – Motives, Content and Implementation
  • Frans Lettenstrom
    Director Library Sales, Springer
    Open Access Publishing from a Commercial Publisher's Point of View
19:00 - 22:00
Gala Retreat Dinner
Rossi's Restaurant, Ground Floor, Grand Hotel Europe
Sponsor, East View Information Service and Elsevier

Friday, May 13

 The Grand Hotel Europe


09:00 - 12:30
Transitions in the Academy : Discovery and Use of Content
The final session showcases research projects that are designed to deepen our understanding of the user and how digital media can affect both the research process and the research outcome. Panelists will discuss their own investigations into information use in the humanities and physical sciences.
Break at 10:30 (Sponsor, Springer)
  • Convener

    Anthony Watkinson
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, University College of London
  • John Dove
    President, Credo Reference
    Third-Party Customization Brainstorm : The Next Big Thing??
  • Michael Jubb
    Director, Research Information Network (RIN)
    Patterns of Information Use and Exchange Across Disciplines
  • Alice Keller
    Editorial Director, Library and Information Science & History, De Gruyter Saur
    Reading in Print or On Screen? : Reading Habits of Undergraduate Students
  • Robert Lee
    Director of Online Publishing, East View Information Services, USA
    Is There an Afterlife? Virtual Hosting and Internet Access to Microfilm and CD-ROM's
12:30 - 13:00
Closing Session
  • Tony Ferguson
    Director of Libraries, University of Hong Kong
13:00 - 14:00
On your own
14:00 - 16:00
Optional Tour of the Hermitage
Optional Cultural Events


For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.


Listed in order of programme schedule